C r e a t e
In The Atelier

Our creative laboratory is the atelier in which our ideas and designs come to life. We specialise in sheet metal fabrication and coachbuilding, using traditional and modern techniques for bespoke projects, as well as the restoration or modification of vintage and classic vehicles.
Our atelier is equipped with a machine shop and fabrication area which allows quality and timescale control over highly specialised and bespoke work. We work with a variety of metals including steel, aluminium, brass and copper. We produce steel and aluminium bodywork for the restoration of vintage and classic cars and motorcycles as well as custom projects.
We value ideas and process just as much as the constructed projects. We have a deep interest in historical precedents and we are constantly building on our awareness of materials, technology and extending our research through experimentation whilst exploring the potential of our work as sculptural form. We love to work with natural and industrial materials to create beautiful and unique work. We also undertake the design and fabrication of bespoke projects including furniture, sculpture and architectural work.
Atelier Services
Bespoke Automotive Projects
Restoration of Vintage & Classic Vehicles
Custom Motorcycles
Sculptural Metalwork
Architecture and Interior Design Projects
Bespoke Furniture
Project Consultation
Design & Manufacture Services
Sheet Metal Fabrication & Welding
Workshops in Traditional Sheet Metalwork & Wheeling
Atelier Diaries
I n s p i r e
In The Workshops